As the English term "Eyeopener" means to experience a moment of sudden realization or understanding – “an aha moment”. For me personally, it is always very important to open the eyes of my clients and seminar participants for the incredible number of possibilities to take their own life into their own hands and make it a masterpiece. Especially because most people are not yet aware that they control their lives on the basis of the Law of Attraction, I offer clear and easy-to-understand instructions for consciously integrating this law into everyday life. Of course, this requires daily practice, because this is what makes a master!
I am happy to give pleasant (!!!) homework and discuss the experiences made in order to help you to help yourself, because you should internalize the basic rules of the law in such a way that they can easily be implemented in every situation in life. Speaking of easy, what I teach people in particular through my knowledge is to live life with more ease, and since I am a very happy person by nature, who is good (and stoic!!) at dealing with positive things, a good portion of humor should not be missing in my work of course! ;) My greatest joy, however, is when getting to experience my clients relief and happiness when they meet with their – “aha moment”.